BCGBA Survey Results

Set out below is the feedback just put out from the BCGBA about their latest survey results. Lancashire’s return was the third highest of any County so thank you for your input.


The results are in and, as promised, here is a brief overview of the results. In total, we received 2,147 responses, and the locations of the responses can be seen on the first slide.

We fully appreciate that the survey was basic, and had limited responses available for feedback, but that was to enable us to get straight to some basic answers. We wanted to confirm what YOU, the bowler, want the Association to focus on.

The key areas that we need to focus on are clear from the results….and that’s exactly what we are going to make our priority. As previously said, we fully accept that change is needed, and we’re going to bring the Association into a much more modern landscape.

By way of an update, directly from the responses to the survey, we are already reviewing the BCGBA website in preparation for a full redesign concept. By developing this, we can ensure that everything is in one place, and on a much easier to use format, enabling us to cascade information much faster.

Linked into this, we will be using social media much more. As many of you have previously commented, we’ve already started to utilise Facebook posts far more. This allows us to get information directly to lots of our members, on a quick, informal platform with lots of images and videos from around our sport. Going forwards, we’ll continue to develop this whilst also introducing additional platforms.

One of the key messages is also around the development need within our sport – especially with regards to grassroots and junior development. We are currently working on a National Development Strategy that will address many of the needs of Clubs and Counties, and we hope to have this ready in draft form by the County Representative Meeting (National Council) at the start of July.

Thank you for all of your responses to the first BCGBA Bowler Survey. There will be more surveys coming out over the next few weeks, and these ones will be much more specific….with the opportunity to give specific feedback and share ideas. We are committed to develop and grow our sport….and we need your support to help us to achieve this.

1 thought on “BCGBA Survey Results

  1. Is there something to download? The graphic doesn’t look that clear on my IPad. It seems a reasonable way to portray the results but I looked for more in terms of explanation but can’t see anything. Steve Partington 

    Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPad


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